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Why Use a Seed Drill?

A seed drill is a farm equipment, which is used in seedsowing process in farming. It is used for placing the seed directly in to the untilledsoil to grow into plant. Although like traditional method farmers in many areas still sow the seeds manually in groups. Manual distribution of the seeds istime consuming as well as a laborious task. But with the introduction of modernseed drill in farming this tiresome task has become quite easier for farmers.

It not only saves time but also helps farmers saving the labour cost when it comes to sowing seeds even in the largest fields. 

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The seed drills are also popular amongst the farmers especiallyin the areas where soil erosion is a significant issue. No till seed drillmakes sure that it doesn’t disturb the soil structure while placing the seeds. In spreading seeds through with a no till seed drills crop residues is left onthe upper surface to keep the soil moist and protected against evaporationcaused by sun or wind.

Ploughing is considered as an essential process beforesowing seeds but this is also true that after ploughing soil becomes morevulnerable to erosion caused by unseasonal rains. But in the un-tilled soil theplant residues protect it from erosion. Also the plant residue gradually breaksup on the surface, creating natural compost for the plant growth.

A seed drill also creates a safe environment for seeds bycovering them in the soil while planting which saves them from any damage and geteaten by birds. Another reason of using a seed drill is that the organic matter or structure of the untilled soil is supposed to be more productive than thetilled soil. Using a disc seed drill allows farmer to mechanically place seedsat required depth and distance in a row and covers it properly to save it from birds and insects.