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What is a Plough?

· agricultural machine,plough,farm machinery

Plows are used by farmers to in soil tiling process to loosen, turn and invert the soil before sowing the seeds. A few decades ago, when modern agriculture was not a time of mechanics, plough or plow used to pulled by oxen and horses but nowadays modern ploughs are pulled by modern tractors. 

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The format of the old plough is something like this - the stripe was a frame of iron that was attached to a long wood and that wood was joined by oxen and horses with blades to cut and loosen the soil. In some rural areas, it is still used by farmers as this has been very useful and affordable option for farmers for ploughing since old-time farming. 

Latest Tractor Plough

Tractor plough is a modern plough available in different models which you can buy as per your farming needs. It is directly mounted to the tractor loading shaft. One of the most common farming tools is the tractor plough, which is used to churn up or loosen the soil in preparation for spreading seed or planting. It is one of the most common tillage farm equipment for breaking up the soil, opening the topmost shell, and preparing the soil for seeding.

What are the types of Plough?

There are different types of Plough available in the modern market as per farming needs like soil and weather in an area which are mention below:

1. Disc Plough -  It is directly mounted to the tractors. Used to prepare the rocky and rooted area's soil for seed planting.

2. MouldBoard Plough - It is used to break heavy or tuff soil since it has a strong frame that helps to resist load during deep ploughing.

3. Reversible MouldBoard Plough - A reversible mould-board plough turns the upper layer of the soil to the right or left side of direction or as required when making its rounds attached to a tractor. 

4. One-way Plough- A one-way plough uses a steel blade with bar points for the toughest ploughing jobs. And it can move in a single direction. 

5. Subsoil Plough - Subsoil plough is designed to break up hard layers or pans without bringing them to the surface.

6. Chisel Plough - Chisel plough is used for breaking hard pans and for deep ploughing (60-70 cm) with fewer disturbances to the top layers.

7. Rotary Plough- Rotary plough cuts the soil and pulverizes it.

8. Harrows Plough - Harrows are used for shallow cultivation in operations such as preparation of seedbed, covering seeds and destroying weed seedlings.

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What is the price of a tractor Plough?

The price of a tractor plough usually depends upon its size and functions. Sometimes the Plough price is also set or fixed as per the area and country basis.