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Seed drill Overview - Its Functions and Benefits

· seed drill machine

A seed drill used for sowing crop seeds into the soil in an evenly manner by metering out the position and covering them to a fixed average depth. The seed drill sown the seeds at equivalent distances and correct depth, so that the seeds get covered in soil and be safe from pests and birds. Before the seed drills were launched, farmers used to plant seeds manually. While distributing manually, seeds used to be planted inaccurately sometimes and due to the poor distribution of seeds it caused low rate of produce.

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The use of a seed drill improves the average of crop yield significantly. Some drill machines for metering out seeds for planting are also known as no-till planters. The concept evolves a mechanism that picks up seeds from the seed box and plants them down a tube. The disc seed drills is an efficient agricultural machinery that also work for spreading fertilizer into the grounds.

Functions of Seed drills or no-till Planters

  • Places the seed in the suitable pattern at right depth in the field      
  • The length of the furrows exposed to the seed, can be increased or decreased
  • Places the seed uniformly and correctly at the desired depth.
  • Covers seed in the soil to enhance germination and right growth
  • Best to be used in specific areas where soil erosion happens easily  

Benefits of seed drill

The purpose of using a seed drill is mechanized sowing of seeds of crops. A seed drill consist of a seed box full of seeds and is attached with a series of tubes that can be set at a selected distances to allow optimum space required for the right growth of the plants.

It allows farmers to sow seeds at fixed spaces in rows at fixed depths as tube attached to the seed boxes creates a hole at a precise depth, drops in one or more seeds, and covers it. It gives farmers a controlled depth while planting seeds and the ability to cover the seeds in soil without back-tracking.