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Modern Agricultural Machinery That Changed Old Farming Ways

· agricultural machine,farm machinery,farm tools

Farm machinery is the equipment and tools used to accomplish farming work on farms. Previously farmers used to work with handheld implements and animal-drawn machinery. In modern times, farm has been modernized with mechanization. Fuel-powered or Electric machinery perform most of the tasks that earlier used to carried out by humans and animals.

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Using agricultural machinery makes farming operations less time-consuming and more cost-effective than to work with handheld tools like scythes or animal drawn ploughs. An improvement in technology driven farm equipment has revolutionized the farming industry. Be it a family farm, a small farming business or a commercial farming industry, an extensive range of farm machinery is used. Although commercial farmers use more advanced farming equipment than the others.

Not only farming methods improved but modern farms are mechanized, and that also includes use of computerized systems with equipments. Farmers regularly use satellite imagery, GPS guidance and electric sensors in their farm work. Progressive farming machinery reduces waste and ensures a profitable use of fertilizer, seeds, irrigation and fuel that has also improved the production and transportation of farm produce.

Tractor and Plough – These two are the most common and popular farm machinery worldwide. Tractors are used to pull a range of farm equipment and machines that includes from plough, power tiller, the spike, drag and disc harrows, chisel plough for soil cultivation to cultivator, spading machine and rock picker etc. These farm machines help in clear the land of weeds and stones to loosen the soil in preparing it for planting.

Planters and Seeders - Planting is done through planters, seed drill, broadcast seeders, transplanters and mulchers etc. Planters help farmers in planting seeds evenly in rows at precise intervals. Disc seed drills plant seeds much closer together than planters.

Transplanter spread seedlings into the field, and can be partial or fully automated. Fertilizer, manure and spray spreaders help in spreading fertilizers for growing plants.

Irrigation System - Irrigation is made a lot easier by the use of irrigation machinery. Rapid and equipped mechanized irrigation systems have made it possible to cultivate high yields of crops in even dry areas.

Harvesting Machines - Harvesting machinery includes the well-known combine harvester and threshers. Usually called Combine, a combine harvester saves a lot of time and effort of farmers as it cuts, threshes and separates grain working through the crop fields. Many farmer use multi-crop harvester for crops like cane, wheat, rice, sunflower, corn and bean and many uses cotton pickers.

Balers and Mowers - Mowers, round balers, square balers and bale movers are used to make hay bales. Front tend loaders and Backhoe are used for loading purposes.