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Combine Harvester Overview – How It Improved Ways of Harvesting

· agricultural machine,harvester

Combine harvester is the most modern harvesting equipment used for harvesting of grains like wheat, rice, barley, sunflower, soybean etc. It is also known as a combine because it “combines” all the different steps of cutting the crops, threshing and collecting grains leaving the chaff behind. The combine had a great impact on the productivity of the grain farming.

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The first combine harvester machine was invented by Hiram Moore in 1836. Since the time it has improved a lot and different types of combine models are introduced with upgraded features every year by leading brand of farm equipment.

Improved grain production significantly

The combine machine revolutionized the way of farming for grain farmers. It successfully made farming more profitable, safer and increased the food production significantly. With the increasing population worldwide, the demand of food has also increased significantly. With the use of this machine, now it is easy to produce more and more grains in the minimum time and to meet the demand of grains all over the world.

Innovative Machine

Modern combine harvesters are not only just innovative but also much bigger like tractors. But the cost also matches the cost of a tractor. It saves harvesting cost, makes it safer, and provides cleaner grains through a comfortable process.

Makes harvesting Smoother

These modern harvesters are equipped with a header to cut the crop, a threshing drum that smashes the cut grain crop, and a separator that splits grains or the edible part from chaff leaving it behind on the fields.

Helps farmers to deal with problem of labor shortage

Harvesting in our country traditionally needs land owners to find, hire, and retain 50 or more labours or workers during the harvesting season, and it has become much harder in recent years as people from villages are migrating to cities. Combine harvester help farmers to deal with the issue of growing labor shortage.

Safety of grains and farmers

The most important thing in harvesting process is safety of grains. A multi-crop harvester saves the grains from getting wasted on the farm unlike the manual harvesting.

How to choose a Combine Harvester

Safe and efficient grain harvesting to a big extent depends on choosing the right combine harvester for your farm. A farmer that grow multiple types of grain crops on his farm can buy a multi-crop harvester to save time of harvesting process, so that the land can be easily prepared for sowing the next crop.