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Benefits of Agriculture Mechanization

· agricultural machine

Agriculture Mechanization is a term used in a very huge sense. It is not only about the use of machinery, whether small or large, mobile or immobile, run by power or not, used for tillage operations or harvesting or thrashing, but can also be used for various purposes in agriculture like irrigation, haulage, production, processing machinery, different dairy equipment for butter making, cream separating, rice hulling, oil pressing, cotton ginning and more.

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Adopting mechanization in agriculture and farming process includes the use of machine power to work on a farm, which were earlier used to done by horses, bullocks, and other animals as well as human labor. Mechanization can be either adopted partially where some part of the work is done by animals and human effort and other will be done by machines or completely by replacing animals and human labour by machines.

Here we have mentioned the major benefits of farm mechanization –

  • Mechanization increases the efficiency and speed of farming operations. A farmer who formerly could plough one acre of land with two horses in a day can now plough 12 acres a day using a tractor.
  • With the use of agricultural machinery in farming practices the requirement of human labour is minimized.
  • Use of chemicals, better varieties and wealthier seeds, and improved farm machinery also contribute to the increase in production. Production has also raised labour productivity to a significant level with the help of mechanization.
  • Mechanization helps in changing farmer’s overall status in rural areas and also reduces their time and effort.
  • Usage of versatile agricultural machinery like rotavator, cultivator, power tiller, combine harvester etc. reduces the dependency on labor significantly, improving the quality of life of the farmers on the other hand.
  • With help of farm equipment any piece of land that has not been used for farming can be turned into a productive farm easily and conveniently, resulting into the proper land usage.
  • When it comes to grow food for the increasing population worldwide, only mechanization can help farm owners to grow crops and grains to meet the demands of food for providing for a large population.
  • Mechanization is also necessary to improve the condition of farmers in a country like India as many people in India even today are dependent in the traditional farming methods. Use of machinery can lead the agriculture to a new revolution in India.
  • Modern farm equipment like a combine harvester helps farmer getting cleaner and high quality grain in minimum time that can be sold quickly in the market.

Farm mechanization help not only improving the farmer’s economic condition and the way of living life but also helps increasing productivity and efficiency.