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Advantages of No-till Farming with Zero Machine

No till farming is a method or process of sowing seeds and mixing fertilizer directly into the ground without ploughing. A zero till machine is used in this process that places the seeds by digging a hole at leveled spaces under the upper layer of the soil. There are some noteworthy benefits of no till farming mentioned below.   Some of the remarkable advantages of the zero machine-   

1. Efficiency - A zero machine allows farmers to sow the plant seeds at safe and equal distance. It digs holes at equal depth and space so that plants can grow without any disturbance. It works efficiently in comparison to manual seed sowing and saves seeds from getting wasted.


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2. Reduces labor cost – To sow seeds in a larger area farmers need more labour that can cost them very high in peak season. A zero till seed drills saves labour cost in such cases. 

3. Saves time – Zero till seed drill allows farmers to sow seeds in larger areas in very limited time. Farmers just need to fill the boxes and drag it attached to tractor throughout the field, while it plants seeds directly into the soil. 

4. Saves seeds from birds – In manual seed sowing process seeds are spread on the upper surface and sometimes these are taken and eaten by birds causing wastage. While a seed drill places seeds directly under the soil and covers with soil, ensuring its safety. 

5. Reduces Soil Erosion - The soil in nature is more vulnerable to erosion caused by wind and water in heavy rain areas. Zero tillage and no till farming method makes it resistant to erosion. This really helps when plenty of mulch such as stalks, leaves, straw, pods, chaff cover is maintained on the surface of the soil to reduce erosion. 

6. Maintains soil moisture - Zero tillage machine lets the plant residues on the soil surface, which help keep the soil moist and protect against its evaporation caused by wind or sun.